Don't hesitate to contact us

I would like to help you improve your return

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Would you like to know more immediately?

Just give me a call. I would be happy to answer your questions or drop by to get acquainted and show what I can do for your company.

Joost Leijten
independent feed specialist


May I introduce myself..

My name is Joost Leijten and I live with my wife in Helvoirt in Brabant. After my studies at the HAS in Den Bosch, I worked for 13 years for a well-known compound feed company, of which the last 8 years as a liquid feed specialist for customers in West Brabant and East Germany. The combination of my research and experience with liquid feed / automatic compound feeding systems and my practical experience in my own pig farm has prompted me to use my knowledge from 2008

As an independent specialist liquid feeding technology, I perform supplemental checks and advise pig farmers on the purchase, adjustment and optimization of their feeding systems.


1. artikel/interview ‘brijvoercheck’ in vakblad “Varkensbedrijf’

2. artikel ‘Hoe nauwkeurig is uw brijvoerinstallatie’ in PigBusiness

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